Sunday, September 6, 2009

Interest in our products ... email me via

Cele-up Hair DIY 日本'台湾TV购物热销断货的*DIY蓬松浪漫公主头~~美发造型小道具

Price : RM 12.50

Calorie Off Massage Shaper / Fat Buster For Thigh (Beige) 凹凸编织按摩束套BYEBYE大象腿

Calories Off Fat Buster Thigh Massager
Wonders of Calorie Off!The unique wave-like patterns of the fabric create friction during movement. It massages your arms / thighs to tone and firm, burning off calories at the same time. It is believed to burn off 399 Calories / Hour!
Wear it!
Wear it anywhere, anytime, for up to 6 hours a day.
Wear it after a shower or during your exercise routine. If you feel uncomfortable, remove the massage shaper and wear it less often.
To clean, rinse with cool-warm water. Do not bleach.
Comes in a pair. In Black only. (Brand New)
Measurement: 42~ 57cm. Fits all thighs except those who have fat-less ostrich ones!
Not suitable if you're pregnant, have heart problems or high blood pressure.
The tightness allows you to sweat faster, tighten stubborn thighs and thus achieving a slimmer and sexier thighs. It is re-usable (washable) and easy to use! For best effect, use it after applying Extra Hot Chili Slimming Gel!
07年4月14日『TVBS-G女人我最大-蓝心湄&牛尔老师』强力推荐! 赶走萝卜腿与胖小腹的梦幻商品~「纤脂大腿-凹凸编织大腿肌按摩束套(肤色)」,天然植物配合, 加上特殊透气材质及凹凸重点辅助编织, 质地细柔不轻易破损, 在行走中能自然按摩, 塑造腿部完美的曲线!
旧型剪裁式塑身商品--强调塑紧度! 紧! 还要再紧!这样容易造成身体负担, 而且往往是因为穿着真的是很不舒服, 最后还是弃之不用, 这样的塑身商品, 说真的已经落伍了!
日本新一代塑身商品设计--大多以松宽型、凹凸重点辅助编织,而所谓的凹凸条纹编织, 就是在编织时以正反面编织方法,让编织的布料呈现凹凸的条纹,穿着后的行动中, 肌肤与凹凸的条纹自然摩擦、按摩, 并强调穿着舒适、轻松、透气, 最重要是不紧绷,这样才能长时间的穿着,达成女人轻松塑造动人曲线的梦想!
大腿内侧--特殊弹性材质编织, 大腿内侧多余赘肉按摩、修饰, 呈现出双腿间的间隙
Price : RM 38.00

日本小豬熱量解碼纖臂束套 CALORIE OFF MASSAGE SHAPER FAT BUSTER for Arms Slimming

本 產品是為想要消耗卡路里及窈窕身形的女性,所開發的美體絲襪能將下垂鬆弛的肉肉提回到正常的位置呢!~ Kevin老師在節目中說過,我們的皮膚、脂肪都是有記憶的,所以我們一定要時時提醒我們的肉肉回到原位,這樣才能使熱量不易屯積,同時給脂肪做如同馬殺 雞按摩般,讓其分子變小,輕盈窈窕馬上就感受到嚕! 此纖臂束套將多種天然植物勻體精華直接織入線紗,採用獨特波浪凹凸織法,利用走路時身體律動,針對穿著部位施以階段性按摩,來達到熱量解碼效果,輕輕鬆鬆 甩掉擾人的蝴蝶袖,手臂瞬間小一個SIZE喲!
~ Wear them under your clothes to make your arms and/or thighs look one size smaller instantly.
~This is important especially for tighter fitting clothes or the extra flab will be out of control with more bodily movements.
~Recommended usage frequency: 4~8 hours daily (not bedtime)
~Not suitable for: pregnant ladies, kids younger than 12 years of age, people with sensitive skin, heart patients.
Care instructions:
1. Hand wash in cold water & hang up to dry. Do not tumble dry or use bleach.
2. Over pulling and sharp nails might spoil the structure of product rendering it useless for slimming purposes.
*Beauty products have different effects on different individuals depending on personal (skin type etc) & usage differences.
Price : RM 38.00

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Calorie Off Massage Shaper for Waist - Beige (M/L)

Beige (M/L)
M : 64 ~ 84cm
L : 67 ~ 87cm

1. 建议使用时间不得超过4~6小时;上班或外出时可穿上它,可以改
2. 建议适用对象:长时间坐着造成腹部凸出的上班族。
3. 最佳使用时机:沐浴后及换装前、运动前/后皆可。
4. 建议使用部位:腹部。
Price : RM 45.00

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Interest in our products ... email me via

Small Face Sticker 神奇瘦脸美女魔术贴

~ Stick on your face before you sleep.Take off after you get up the next day, before you take it off, please use cleansing oil.
~ Use it every 2 days.
(eg: if you use it on Monday night, then the next time you use it is Wednesday night).
~ Recommended by Japan reshaping surgery doctor
~ 10 pcs in a pack

Application method:
1. before sleeping, stick on, peel of the next morning
2. please stick on clean skin
3. relax your skin when stick it, must paste on smoothly.
How to peel off:
1. Put some make-up removal around the sticker
2. Wait for 5-15 mins, then u can peel off the sticker w/o pain
3. Peel off slowly. else it will hurt your skin cell
4. Wash your face after peeling off
5. Use once after 2 days

* You may feel slight pain for first few time of usage because of inexperience peeling skill.
* Do not worry, as skin cell will grow after 2 - 3 days. If u see reddish and slight swollen on your face, it will dissapear around 1 week.
* So, please wait for your skin to be healthy first, then only reuse.

Price : RM 11.00

LA EAU SUMMER速攻体脂瘦身美肌喷雾 封面女模纤体法宝


萃取天然溶脂精華,不再使用辣椒油作为瘦身配方, 天然溶脂精华C4COS配合含天然矿物质泉水,迅速导入肌肤,溶脂同时补充失去水分,达到真正意义的减脂,而非减去水分,倡导健康瘦身



~ Recommended by model as emergency slimming needs in Mag~ Made from natural fats dissolves essence, not using chili essence anymore~ Instructions: spray evenly on fats area, then massage. no need to rinse off.~ Can use on whole body except breast & face.

Price : RM 18.00


★ 连续2年,最多明星选用,个个有效
★ 全球3,000,000用家证实激效
★ 1个月令你全身瘦晒 冲凉瘦
让你洗澡都会瘦!记住,千万别搽胸哦……因为太有效了! 日本用家真人实证……100%真正强效!冲凉(洗澡)都会瘦,个个冲凉个个瘦……! 从今天开始,你冲凉都会瘦!明星私秘配方,终于为你公开!为您选用有机天然消脂成份研制,特别有效(针对东方人脂肪组织)手感顺滑,含天然保湿因子,可滋润您的肌肤(过程好似做SPA哦)气味清新,天然草香,令您舒适醒神您使用时感觉少少暖,代表开始起效直接消除您皮下多余脂肪,1个月内令您全身瘦!减肚腩肉、大腿、小腿、胳膊、臀部、肚纹。真是冲凉都会瘦。冲凉瘦为您选用最天然、最有效成份研制,能加速新陈代谢,帮助血气运行,自动分解多余脂肪,令您每次冲凉都可以轻易减肥。
◆气味清新、天然草香,令您舒压醒神成份: 去離子水、甜菜殮、椰子油、維他命原B5、檸檬酸、天然保濕因子、辣椒提取液、薰衣草精華油、黑角藻
当你使用时感觉到有一点热,这就代表产品开始起效了哦!它可以直接消除您皮下多余的脂肪……1个月的时间即可让您全身瘦下来,全身又Firm又Fit!不单可以减肚腩肉、大腿肉、手臂肉、小腿肉、还可以减PAT PAT(臀部)肉、减肚纹……
~ Fresh lavender scent
~ Slimming, fat burning and firming, smoothen your skin/ remove dead skin cell at the same time
~ The shower process is just like a spa treatment
~ Use everyday & usually can see result after a month
~ Use 5 tubes for perfect full treatment
~ Suits all skin type
~ Massage on skin with circular motion with at least 1 min or above, you'll feel slight heat, then rinse off.

Price : RM 29.00

Germa Arms Band 薄款~含鈦鍺銀手臂束套 【塑造-完美手臂曲线】 黑色

~ 3 layers pressure, wear constantly to shape better looking arms
~ comfy, no problem wearing in hot weather
~ very good elasticity, durable, wont loose easily
~ hand wash with cold water
Price : RM 25.00

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Interest in our products ... email me via

JAPAN SAUNA SLIMMING BELT 逐漸遠離『西洋梨』日本桑拿強力束身平腹帶

材質: PVC
尺寸: 30.5×112cm
內容: 1 PIECE

~ 超強彈力素材,可任意調整鬆緊度,讓您迅速集中發汗,逐漸遠離『西洋梨』的身材,重拾腰身曲線!
~ 可搭配精油、SPA鹽、按摩霜等商品加以按摩,效果加倍。
~ 含有彈力素材的貼布,具有特佳的黏著性,配合運動使用也不會脫落移位,可以完整的包覆,立即雕 塑您的腰身。
~ 穿脫容易, 使用方便且可清洗重複使用
~ 超薄素材的浮貼感,任何時候皆可使用。
~ 超強彈力素材,黏著性佳,腰腹平坦完整包覆集中發汗可重複使用使用上的注意事項:
~ 使用之前請將表面與裡面的粉末洗一洗再使用,以免產品粘度不夠。
~ 膚質較弱者及肌膚有產生紅腫時,請勿使用。
~ 若與皮膚不適合時,請立即停止使用。
~ Repetition use .easy to use
~ Please wash the belt before you use.

very elastic, good stickiness to hold onto body.use to target at tummy and make it sweat, and hence fats break down

~ Can be washed and reused Easily adjustable to your desired hold and tightness. immediately concentrate on that area to release sweat and lose weight, shaping your body. wave goodbye to pear shaped body
~ Can be used with weight lost cream, spa salt,massaging cream etc to massage
~ Can also be worn during exercise, does not fall off easily
~ Can be easily worn or removed
~ Very thin material so would not cause any discomfort

made of high quality specially processed thin pvcmeasures 30.5×112cm suitable for waist up to 80cm

Things to note :
1) Before use, wash the wrap and keep it clean to ensure its stickiness
2) Not recommended for those with sensitive skin. if discomfort or rashes occur, stop use immed.
3) Please store in a cool place and not under direct sun heat

Price : RM 11.90 per pack

Legs Slimming Wrap 日本最新桑拿強力束腿帶

材質: PVC
尺寸: 10×230cm
內容: 2 PIECE

Price : RM 11.90

La Eau Legs Slimming Socks (Below Knee Version) 雕塑Pro动力增强纖腿襪 未过膝





1、 预防静脉曲张的出现
2、 改善腿部肿大、肿胀、沉重等症状
3、 美化腿部的曲线,促使腿部曲线苗条
4、 根据"静脉流体动力学"原理,采渐近式分段压力设计,可防止腿部疲劳
5、 可促进腿部血液的循环,增强腿部肌肉的弹性
6、 可局部减胖,塑造美丽曲线7、 以温和的压力对血管加压,帮助下肢血液顺畅流回心脏,促进血液循环

答: 这款是物理性的瘦腿袜,主要靠特殊强压部位的“压力”来达到瘦腿的效果,所以对肌肉型MM来说,效果不会很大,但是因为里面富含锗,钛,银成分,对腿部浮 肿,静脉曲张等有很好的缓解效果,所以对于其保健功效来说,肌肉和肥肉型的MM是一样的。对于肥肉型的MM,几乎在穿上的那一刻就可以看到效果,真正瘦腿 的时候,看个人情况而定,一般是7-60天不等。







* Length: about 48cm
* Jolin Tsai's favorite and secret of pop stars' beautiful legs
* Wearing it for 1 hour is equivalent to reduction of 333 calories
* Black color, Free size
* Comfortable and not too tight for legs
Price : RM 17.90

LA EAU Slimming Leggings高機能平腹塑身美腿9分褲

輕盈體態的必備品☆ 平腹、修長美腿,超強三合一勻體褲!

~It help to slim down your waist,thigh and leg and help shape up without having sagging sagging area after you have slim down...
~ It is strechable. It must be wear not longer then 8hours..
Hand wash only
Size: Free

Price : RM 24.90

小S疯狂推荐~INA 安全的减肥贴片,INA Slimming Patch


將體內殘留的舊便排出,自然達到減輕負擔, 修飾身材的效果,且無任何副作用,


皮膚異常或使用中皮膚有紅腫現象請立即停止使用. 請勿將貼膜放置在40C高溫處, 孕婦, 老年人, 幼兒不宜使用. 甲狀線抗進或低下症患者請勿使用

每日一片,每天晚上贴上早上起来拿掉就OK了,將貼膜直接貼在肚臍部位,使用時如有微微腹痛感,或下體有唯唯捎癢感, 此為排毒的正常現象.


~ Highly recommended by Lady first TV show
~ ‘Xiao S’ (a pop Taiwan star) slimming’s secret after delivering baby
~ Easy to use, Best slimming helper for lazy us
~ Stick onto parts to be slimmed before sleep, remove the next day. Little pain or itchy is considered normal
~ Users in Taiwan said they have lost at least 3kg with this product

Price : RM 6.50 per pc

Monday, June 29, 2009

红辣椒按摩瘦身凝露,YILI Balo Slimming Gel

~ Helps to break down excess fats, stimulates the blood and lymph circulation and accelerates the metabolism, help get rid of fats faster

~ Suitable for all types of skin. Apply to areas with fats, cellulite and anywhere which you think needs some slimming down (e.g. arms, waist, lower abdomen, buttocks, thigh). Massage in an upwards direction.

Note: You will feel a heating sensation 15 mins after applying. Do not use too many times and different people may experience varying degrees of heat due to skin type. If you feel it's too hot for you to bear, use a cooling agent like aloe Vera gel to cool your skin.ngredients: Natural red pepper oil, natural beeswax, natural ginger extract, seaweed essence, carbopol, tea, EDTA.


贝罗红辣椒纤体按摩凝露 - 窈窕美丽曲线, 纤体美肤效果
使用方法:可用于身体较粗及脂肪较肥部位,(手腕,手臂,腰部,小腹,臀,大腿)由下往上方式按摩。注意事项,使用15分钟之后才有燃烧感,不可重复使用过多,因肤质不同燃烧感受亦不同。建议: 按摩后,包上保鲜膜再配合适量的有针对性的局部运动, 效果更突出. 只需1支就可以轻松减肥,2支巩固不反弹.
提供以下几个减肥方法: 1、普通型 按照说明书上的按摩15分钟 2、加强型 按摩好之后在用保鲜膜包起来,包的时间不要超过30分钟,这种方法适用比较胖的人使用,一般不是很胖的人不建议这样做 3、超强型 包起来之后,再用热水袋焐一焐(一般的人最好不要这样做,受不了的)


Price : RM 29.00

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Young Care

Welcome all ladies ....Thanks for visiting my e-blog.Here we bring you facial / make up / skin care products for you ladies .Ladies ...start shop with me now .Interested in our products?? Just fill in the details and email us via

Rules & Regulations
1. We cannot be held responsible if the items are damaged/lost during postage.
2. Payments are to be made within 2 days after confirmation.
3. We use Poslaju or Pos Ekspres
4. Payments can be made to our Maybank or PUBLIC BANK accounts.
5. Items sold CANNOT be refunded or exchanged.
6. Please stop using the products if any irritations or allergic reactions occur.
7. For enquiries, please do not hesitate to email me at If we do not reply you within 24 hours, kindly mail us again.

Postage Rate
1.Pos Ekspres ranges from RM3-4.
2.PosLaju ranges from RM6-8

COD areas
1. Times Square - FOC.
( Monday - Thursday)

a.sis Eyelash Growth Liquid 韩国a.isis依皙思纯中药睫毛生长液 5ML

~ Pure natural Chinese traditional medicine formulated
~ 2-3 times a day.
~ After cleansing, use mascara brush from the growth of a small number of lashes, in front of a mirror in the roots of the lashes on the skin using a font evenly coated.
~ Hot towels before use fomentation eye, which will increase the growth effect of mascara.
~ To have the best results, use every night , after continuous use, your lashes will become longer and more dense, will also grow more and more mascara, let your eyes dissemination of the charming Charm, let your life on this change.
Price : RM 29.90

Foldable Heated Eyelash Curler 托比mini电烫睫毛器 睫毛卷翘的好帮手

~ Heated curler shapes top lashes

~ Creates long lasting curl in seconds

~ Instant heat~ Unique foldable design

~ 1 AAA battery operated(not included)

How to use:

1) Slide off the battery cover and insert 1 AAA batteries.

2) press the switch to flick the upside. the light will iluminate.

3) let curler heat for about 30 seconds.

4) gently lift eyelashes with curler against your eyelid.hold this position for about 8 to 10 seconds.(don't press curler directly on the eyelid.)

5) release and repeat on the other eyelash until desired look is achieved.

6) press the upside and fold it into the main body.

7) the light will go off.

8) for the best,long lasting results,we recommend a coat of mascara after curling.

TO clean:

1.don't wash it in water.

2.wipe it clean with a piece of damp cloth.



Price : RM 22.90

Dodora Girl Body Hair Removal DoDoRa月光女孩除毛膏50ml

Price : RM 32.90

Nose Up Clip 2 日本最新一代美鼻夹

Price : RM 5.90

Tiny Brush Hair 头发蓬松梳 刮刮梳 晚装梳

Price : RM 9.90

DIY 4 in 1 Beauty Set 四合一美容套装

Price : RM 9.90

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Japan COGIT Legs Cushion 日本神奇美姿美腿矫正垫(美腿,矫正坐姿)

~The side of the cushion can help to close up your thigh and to adjust your proper sitting position
Leg Reshaping Cushion
Wanna have a sexier leg???
Try this to reshape your leg and also to correct your sitting position!
BEST for those Office Lady who has to be in a sitting position for more than 6 hours!!!!
Price : RM 26.00

Japan COGIT Magic Seat 低反弹美臀坐垫

* Long Hours of sitting can cause our butt shape become flat. This Magic Seat allow to sit comfortably for long hours.
* Improve backache and sitting.
* Strongly recommended by Japan Popular Yoga's Professor.
* Diameter is 40cm x 38cm x 10cm

Price : RM 32.90

Japan Cell Roller - Waist, Arms & Legs 360度超角度旋轉滾輪按摩器

~Say Goodbye To Cellulite!
~Easy to use! Get rid of cellulite efficiently!
~This technology is unique designed so you can use it easily and effectively in the comfort of your own home.
Are you struggling with cellulite problem for so long? The Cell Roller worked extremely well, you can feel the cellulite is completely gone, and your skin feels tighter & lighter.
~This is a Y-shaped “Cell Roller” (where ‘cell’ refers to cellulite) with 56 concave-convex pellets on the 2 rollers to give you double the massage effect.
~This roller gently grips your Waist, Arms & Legs
Good for use everyday; use as long as you think is comfortable for you. Effect will be enhanced if you use it in the shower or with moisturiser after your shower.
Price : RM 23.00

Waist Trimmer 女人我最大-塑身美体健身 莎堤萱琳4段减肥腰带瘦身腰带

~ Designed to burn excess fat for waistline reduction+
~ Made of high quality Neoprene with Far Infrared Ray for inner side of the belt
~ Helps retain body heat and increase perspiration to create sauna effect~ When using this product you will feel the "Burning" effect
~ Four adjustable measurements from 56cm - 96cm as shown in the picture below
~ Suitable for both man and lady who dreams to have a slim and firm waistline


Price : RM 39.00

Korea Full Body Whitening Shower Cream 韩国-全身洗洗白~脸+身体 一起白 300ml

Price : RM 39.90

Healthy Comb 大S推荐传说中的气囊梳

Recommended by Da s ! The secret to beautiful and silky hair !
Divide your hair into 3 parts, left, middle, right. Start combing from the bottom to the root. Repeat for each of the 3 parts that you have divided previously. After combing you can start blowing your hair, when the scalp is dry use a comb with the function to massage your hair,this time start combing from scalp but avoid area that are still wet. After massaging the scalp, use a big comb to comb the hair starting from the end making sure your hair dun get entangle.
* Noted that the number of times we comb our hair should be equivalent or more than the years of our age.(ie.20 yrs old should comb 20 times or more)
Price : RM 9.90

Wave Model Plate 俏麗閃電燙+玉米鬚造型-自然成型不傷秀髮 Pink (3pcs)

Japan Korea Hot Item
- 3pcs in a packet
- usually needs 3 packets for whole head
- Hito in Japan & Korea currently
- do not hurt hair
- use it when ur hair is half drying, then use hair blower to blow dry
- or if lazy to use hair blower to blow dry, just wait for it to dry
naturally but needs longer time
Price : RM 7.90 per pack

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Pull Thread Eyebrow Pencil (Black/Brown)


~ Do not need a pencil sharpener, just simply pull the thread at the pencil tip~ Professional makeup artist is like to use it !
Price : RM 7.80 / per

Blink Liquid Eyeliner (Silver)

埃及艳后闪亮眼线液*朦胧泪眼 迷情银

Price : RM 15.00 / per

Monplay Eye Liner

~ Waterproof and easy Decoloration
Price : RM 19.00 / per